ANUL SCOLAR 2024-2025
Who should attend?
What the courses contain?
The modules are adapted to the age, abilities, and development of each student:
“The DEDICATION and PASSION of creation, is more than just a talent for lying fallow. I know the WISH can be more than the skill, and for that reason I have created a special method of painting and printmaking for young people, lovers of the art of the need for co-ordination."
The Artist Anca Jitariu Gliga
Painting and drawing in the creative workshops are aimed at those who are or are not a part of the world of the arts.
Selection of information, the theoretical and the practical, applied to the phase for each participant, and, depending on the evolution of the are added to the topics and methods in more and more complex.
Grupa reprezinta minim 4 persoane, maxim 8 persoane. Fiecare cursant are propriul traseu de creatie, totul se aplica personal prin atenta comunicare 1:1
- Grupele de copii si tineri au loc doar la orele mentionate. Grupele sunt mixte (varsta si nivel diferit), se alege doar ora si ziua preferata. Inscrierile sunt prin mail, telefon sau direct la atelierul Jitariu Studio.
- Inscrierea la cursurile de pictura si/sau desen este valabila din momentul confirmarii locului. Confirmarea inscrierii inseamna plata unui avans de 150 ron din abonament. (detalii mai jos).
- Pe intreg parcursul inscrierii, locul este rezervat, asadar abonamentul ales de 4 sau 8 sedinte continua pana la solicitarea incheierii frecventei la curs. Pe parcursul unui abonament se recupereaza o singura absenta cu adeverinta medicala.
- Inainte de prima sedinta fiecare participant este evaluat prin cateva lucrari trimise impreuna cu datele de inscriere pe adresa de mail sau whatsapp 0731865979 pentru a stabili cursul evolutiei indiferent de scopul dorit (performanta sau hobby). Performanta inseamna teme acasa si o frecventa la atelier de minim 2 sedinte/saptamana din momentul recomandarii de catre coordonator.
- In ziua orei de atelier, cursantii sau tutorii cursantilor primesc un mesaj de reamintire a prezentei. Absenta se anunta cu cel putin o zi inainte, indiferent de caz. Reprogramarea sau anuntarea absentei sunt importante, deoarece se stabilesc anumite teme, materiale si locuri pentru fiecare participant.
10:00 - 11:30
15:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 19:30
Alege ziua si ora pentru INSCRIEREA la cursurile de arta pe parcursul anului scolar septembrie 2024 - iunie 2025
Group Beginners Level
Monthly 4 sessions in a row – £ 300
One session, on occasion – 110 €
8 sessions in a row for two months (from the 1session/week) – 500 lei pay it forward
Group Medium Level
8Abonament lunar 4 sedinte consecutive – 350 ron
One session, on occasion – 130 €
8 sessions in a row for two months (from the 1session/week) – 580 lei pay it forward
Group Advanced Level
Monthly 4 sedinte consecutive – 390 ron
1 sedinta ocazional – 150 ron
8 sessions in a row for two months (from the 1session/week) – 680 lei pay it forward
Toate materialele sunt incluse. Optional, cursantii pot aduce propriile panze pe sasiu sau pot cere din atelier contra cost.
Inscrierea inseamna rezervarea locului permanent pentru perioada determinată sau nedeterminată. Sedintele din abonament sunt consecutive – una dupa alta, indiferent de vacante sau concedii
1. O sedinta/ abonament se poate recupera cu adeverinta medicala în situația unei probleme medicale.
In cazul excursiei/vacantei deja programate in luna in curs, se
reprogrameaza sedinta pana la finalul abonamentului, in limita locurilor disponibile.
2. Sedinta se considera onorata daca nu s-a anuntat absenta sau reprogramarea înainte cu minim 48h. (Adeverința medicală se aplică în situația unei îmbolnăviri și în ziua programării)
Sign up
Sign up by whatsapp or your e-mail address with the following details:
ZIUA and ORA de curs
Name and Name
Age and date of birth
Phone no. and your e-mail address
- Painting and/or graphics
Nivelul: incepator/mediu/avansat
Special schedule: MONDAY – SATURDAY (for a group of more than 6 people, ask for another time)
Inscrierile inseamna rezervarea permanenta a locului care este disponibil. Dupa confirmare veti putea achita taxa de inscriere 150 lei care va fi scazuta din primul abonament.
Taxa de inscriere de 150 lei (suma care va fi scazuta din abonamentul cursului ales) se poate plati:
The cash in the shop
Revolut, at the phone Number 0731865979 / details: sign up + the name of the child
BT account Jitariu Studio RO39BTRLRONCRT0318762101 / details: sign up + the name of the child
No previous studies, the learners of the program's intensive training in the Workshop have 100 percent of your success in the admission exam for the specialist for high school, college, university, and a portfolio of work for the universities from outside the united states.
The PROGRAM of INTENSIVE TRAINING, is only available on request, with a minimum of 6 months before.
The students of the workshop benefited from: other national awards, projects, school, exhibition of the painting, the theoretical and practical knowledge, and experience in the exploitation of their works, and collaborating on art projects of the Studio.
Jitariu Studio always organizes painting exhibitions for the students of the workshop. Their works will be exposed to the general public in spaces specially dedicated to cultural events.
(free organization for student exhibitions: photography of works, online presentation and promotion of student + works, paneling of works, description of works, press releases, curator, graphics for flyers and posters, etc.)